5 Easy Self-Care Activities You Can Do Without Getting Out of Bed

dog sleeping in the bed

Getting out of bed in the morning can be a struggle. If you're like me, you see a myriad of self-care morning routines all over your instagram. However, sometimes the very thought of having to get out of bed to do something for yourself is enough to make you want to hit snooze and go back to sleep. So I've compiled a list of five self-care activities that you can do without even getting out of bed!


1. Drink Some Water

little boy drinking water

It's important to stay hydrated, especially first thing in the morning. Keep a water bottle on your nightstand and take a few sips when you wake up. Not only will it help you wake up more fully, but it will also help your skin look its best.

2. Get Some Sun

sunrise from bed through open window

If you can, open up your curtains or blinds and let the sunshine in. If you've never tried remote controlled shutters or blinds, I highly recommend looking into it, that way you don't have to get up to let some light in. Vitamin D is essential for our health and can help improve our mood. If you don't have any windows in your bedroom, or it's winter and the sun is rising pretty late, consider using a light therapy box for a similar effect.


3. Journaling

woman journaling in bed

If you're not a morning person, I get it. But giving yourself a few minutes to write in a journal can make all the difference in how your day goes. You can write down what you're grateful for today to help you focus on the positive things in your life. If gratitude doesn’t come naturally to you, try writing about the day before or jotting down any worries that are on your mind. Getting all of your thoughts out on paper can help clear your head and prepare you for a good day.


4. Stretch or Do Some Yoga

young african american woman stretching in bed

If you're not a fan of getting up and moving in the morning, consider giving bed yoga a try. This form of yoga is perfect for those who want to stay in bed and relax. There are tons of great tutorials online that can show you how to get started. This form of yoga focuses on gentle stretches that can be done on the soft surface of a mattress. Often you progress from laying poses, to sitting, to kneeling to help you work your way out from under your comfy sheets. If you've never heard of bed yoga before, give it a try. It's a thing and it's amazing


5. Listen to energizing music or calm sound recordings

woman listening to music in bed

Last but not least, listening to energizing music or calming sounds can help get your day off on the right track. Whether I want to focus on some calming rain sounds or upbeat pop music depends on what sort of vibe and energy I need to cultivate for the day. For relaxation, there are plenty of apps and websites that offer free access to calming music and sounds, so take advantage of them! I like listening to soft piano music or rain sounds when I need to manage stress, bravado filled female rappers when I need confidence, or upbeat 90s music when I want to generate some energy anda happy day. But, of course, you might prefer something different. Experiment until you find what works best for you, and then make it part of your in-bed morning routine.



woman in white happy drinking coffee with breakfast on a tray in bed

There's no need to sacrifice self-care just because you want to stay in bed! By incorporating some (or all!) of these self-care activities into your daily routine, you can transform your bedroom into a sanctuary that supports your well-being in mind, body, and spirit. Nourish your physical health, mental health, and spiritual health, and you'll be amazed at how much better you feel overall. With these five easy self-care tips, you can give yourself the care and attention you deserve without even having to get out from under the covers. So go ahead and hit snooze—you deserve it!